Rules and regulations
The show is organised according to the FCI Section Show rules and the Finnish Kennel Club show regulations, which the exhibitor commits himself to follow. Only dogs registered in the stud book recognized by the FCI can participate to the show.
Docked tails and cropped ears
According to Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Decree 1070/2000, dogs with docked tails or cropped ears may participate in the FCI World Dog Show in Finland.
Testicular abnormalities
According to the FCI Dog Show rules ’disqualified’ must be awarded to a dog which has testicular abnormalities.
World Champion Titles
World Junior Winner 2014 title will be awarded to the best junior dog and best junior bitch in each FCI-recognised breed, provided that these dogs have been graded "excellent".
World Winner 2014 title will be awarded to the CACIB-winning dog and CACIB-winning bitch in each FCI-recognised breed or, for FCI-recognised breeds not entitled to compete for CACIBs, the title will be awarded to the best dog and best bitch competing in the intermediate, open, working or champion class.
World Veteran Winner 2014 title will be awarded to the best veteran dog and best veteran bitch in each FCI-recognised breed, provided that these dogs have been graded "excellent".
Finnish Show Champion
"Finnish Show Champion” will be awarded to the dog and bitch of each breed that has been awarded CAC and that is already a National Show Champion and is over 24 months of age.
Breeds provisionally accepted by the FCI
The following breeds accepted by the FCI are not eligible for CACIB but can be awarded the World Winner title and can compete in group finals: Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog, Cimarron Uruguayo, Ciobanesc Romanesc de Bucovina, Ciobanesc Romanesc Carpathian, Ciobanesc Romanesc Mioritic, Danish-Swedish Farmdog, Gonczy Polski, Russian Toy, Taiwan Dog, Thai Bangkaew Dog, Tornjak.
Breeds not accepted by the FCI
The following breeds not accepted by the FCI but accepted by the Nordic Kennel Union are not eligible for CACIB, cannot be awarded the World Winner title and cannot compete in group finals: American Eskimo Dog, Anglo-Russian Hound, Bluetick Coonhound, Chodsky Pes, Dansk Spids, Estonian Hound, Gotland Hound, Hälleforshund, Lancashire Heeler, Plott, Prague Ratter, Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz, Russian Bolonka, Russian Hound, Tenterfield Terrier, Toy Fox Terrier, White Swedish Elkhound,
Identification markers
An identification marker (either Lifechip (Indexel) or Datamars microchip or tattoo) has been compulsory in all official Finnish Kennel Club dog shows, trials and competitions since 1.1.2001. Starting from 1.1.2009, the Finnish Kennel Club has approved all microchips compliant with the ISO 11789 standard that do not contain a county code. ISO 11784 standard-compliant chips were approved on 1.6.2009.
The event will observe the antidoping regulations approved by the Finnish Kennel Club council.
Other considerations
If the event has to be cancelled for reasons not attributable to the organisers, registration fees will not be refunded.
The organisers are entitled to refuse a dog's entry to the show without specifying a separate reason.
The organisers shall not be liable for any damages caused by dogs or exhibitors.