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1. Tricky Ricky From Yarrow-Hi Tech, om. Budiman Jongkie & Cooijmans Mieke & None None, INDONESIA
2. Pouch Cove's Southwind I Love Lucy At Cayuga, om. Quartiglia Riccardo, ITALY
3. Steadlyn Recognition, om. Ejerstad Conti Mia, SPAIN
4. Sat`Elit Van Helsing, om. Gornova Elena, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
FCI 2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer type, Molossians
  Judge Khomasuridze Revaz, Russian Federation
  1. apinapinseri - Affenpinscher Tricky Ricky From Yarrow-Hi Tech, om. Budiman Jongkie & Cooijmans Mieke & None None, INDONESIA
  2. newfoundlandinkoira - Newfoundland Pouch Cove's Southwind I Love Lucy At Cayuga, om. Quartiglia Riccardo, ITALY
  3. kääpiösnautseri, musta-hopea - Miniature Schnauzer, black and silver Steadlyn Recognition, om. Ejerstad Conti Mia, SPAIN
  4. bokseri - Boxer Sat`Elit Van Helsing, om. Gornova Elena, RUSSIAN FEDERATION


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